Case Manager is packed with features to suit all kinds of users.
Some are standard features, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of a wide range of services, while others are specific to the different sectors we work with.
When you buy Case Manager, we will work with your team to configure Case Manager to do exactly what you need it to do – and the initial configuration work is included in the annual subscription fee. All purchases come with the standard features and optional features can be enabled to suit your needs.
Case Manager is cloud-based, so there’s no need to install software, all you need is a web connection.
Above all, Case Manager is secure, reliable, flexible and simple to use.
Case Manager is configured to match your processes, there’s no need to change how you work to fit with the software.
Case Manager will integrate with Office 365, to manage and store emails and appointments, Googlemaps and Sharepoint, to make collaboration even easier.
Your administrator can configure Case Manager easily, to reflect any changes to your processes or requirements
Custom dashboards
All the key information you need at a glance. Configure dashboards to suit your requirements and share them within your teams.
Configure the reports you need for your organisation and produce them at the touch of a button.
People and organisations
Record the involvement and contact details of everyone involved in a case. List assets, third parties and individuals involved.
Time recording
Easily record the time spent on individual cases.
Case Manager will work on a desktop PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone.
Money advice
Captures all the information you need to produce the Standard Financial Statement and assist clients in managing their income, expenditure and debts.
Welfare benefits
Captures all the information you need to help clients to claim benefits.
Support planning
Assess your clients' needs and risks, develop personalised plans to help them achieve their desired outcomes, share data with partners and report progress.
Captures the information you need to assess and apply for relevant grants for your clients.
Our reseller partner MSL (www.ukmsl.com) provides Student Case Manager to support education to provide effective advice and advocacy services - online and face to face.
Home improvements
Our reseller partner Foundations (www.foundations.uk.com) provides Foundations Case Manager to Home Improvement Agencies across the UK.
Portals and e-forms
Integrate Case Manager with your website, to accept self-referrals for your services, or allow non Case Manager users to provide data required for service delivery and reporting.
Text customers manually or automatically. Keep records of all SMS communications for reporting and audit purposes. Remind clients about appointments and communicate case updates.
(Incurs a usage cost)
Postcode look-up
Improve the speed and accuracy of your data capture by automatically finding a client’s full address from their postcode.