IIZUKA launches new custom dashboards

The latest version of Case Manager delivers new ways of accessing information through customisable management information dashboards for all clients.

The dashboard contains dynamic charts that allow clients to drill down into more detailed layers of information and customisable tables of records that can be sorted and filtered at the click of a button.

To aid analysis and reporting, separate dashboards are available at individual, team and organisational levels.

Custom dashboards module also available

In addition to all the features above, a Custom Dashboards Module can be added to any Case Manager system. This provides a fully configurable dashboard engine with the following features beyond those listed above:

  • Create personal and shared dashboards

  • Control which widgets are included in each dashboard

  • Choose from a wider range of widgets related to different editions of Case Manager

  • Create your own custom dashboard widgets that include any data from across the system

  • Security control to limit access to certain dashboards

  • Option to request the development of bespoke widgets by IIZUKA

If you would like more information or to see a demonstration of the Custom Dashboards Module then please contact IIZUKA support on 0121 212 1617 or support@iizuka.co.uk.

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